© BML/Alexander Haiden

LEADER-Region Mostviertel-Mitte

Interest Group & Network


Schloßstraße 1
3202 Kirchberg/Pielach


Lower Austria


+43 2722 7309 29

The LEADER region Mostviertel-Mitte is a regional development cooperative made up of 39 municipalities in the Alpine foothills of Lower Austria. In addition to focusing on “youth” and “village life”, the region’s strategy until 2030 also includes the conscious, sustainable use of natural resources as a core topic. The defined development goals include raising awareness and creating competencies for the circular economy and bioeconomy as well as supporting business cooperations in developing innovative products and services in line with the circular economy and the regional cascading use of biomass.

You can contact the organisation directly using the form below. 

Open website Contact