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EU Bioeconomy Strategy Progress Report

The progress of the bioeconomy in the 27 EU Member States was summarised and assessed in an official report in October 2022. The measures set out in the EU Bioeconomy Strategy are generally on the right track to achieve the goals set.

Austria is one of 10 EU Member States that have already implemented national bioeconomy strategies. The report refers to the 2019 strategy as well as to the bioeconomy lighthouses (2021) and the bioeconomy model regions of the Climate and Energy Fund. In addition, the bioeconomy cluster activities of the province of Lower Austria are mentioned. The thematic breadth of the Austrian strategy is similar to that of the other EU Member States. In the category “Policy Actions”, Austria has no entry under “Bioeconomy Monitoring”, whereby the Progress Report refers to the year 2021 and at that time monitoring was only being planned. However, it is mentioned that Austria already has sectoral monitoring of the bioeconomy. Relevant, nationwide bioeconomy projects in Austria were also described in detail in the report and clearly represent the range of innovations.